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[ÀϹݿµ¾î] Standard English Academic Year 20·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 138 EUR, ¾à 21¸¸¿ø)
[ÀϹݿµ¾î] Standard Course 20·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 202 EUR, ¾à 31¸¸¿ø)
[ÀϹݿµ¾î] Standard Course 26·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 248 EUR, ¾à 38¸¸¿ø)
[ºñÁö´Ï½º] Standard Plus Business 26·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 251 EUR, ¾à 38¸¸¿ø)
[½ÃÇè¹Ý] Standard Plus IELTS 26·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 252 EUR, ¾à 38¸¸¿ø)
[½ÃÇè¹Ý] Cambridge Preparation 26·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 247 EUR, ¾à 38¸¸¿ø)
[ÀϹݿµ¾î] TOEFL IBT Exam 25·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 403 EUR, ¾à 61¸¸¿ø)


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Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/¾Æħ,Àú³á Á¦°ø/½¦¾î¿å½Ç) 240 EUR/week 364,560 ¿ø/week
Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/¾Æħ,Àú³á Á¦°ø/°³Àοå½Ç) 295 EUR/week 448,105 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û/°³Àοå½Ç) Horner City Residence 355 EUR/week 539,245 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û/½¦¾î¿å½Ç) Horner City Residence 340 EUR/week 516,460 ¿ø/week
+¼º¼ö±â Ãß°¡ºñ¿ë(Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ) 30 EUR/week 45,570 ¿ø/week
  ¼÷¼Ò µî·Ïºñ(¹èÁ¤ºñ): 75 EUR
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°ñ¿þÀÌ Æò±Õ 275 EUR 417,725 ¿ø
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  ÇȾ÷ºñ ??105 (Dublin °øÇ×)
  Welcome Pack.
  Entrance Placement Test.
  Small Class Groups.
  Self Access Library + WI-FI.
  Social Programme of Activities.
  Certificate of Attendance.
  Course Book & Materials @ ¢æ45.
  Examination Fees.
  Social activity entrance fees,
  selected items.
  Health & Cancellation Insurance.
  Bank Charges.

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  ±³Àçºñ : ¢æ45 per book
  º¸Çè·á ¢æ130 + PEL INSURANCE¢æ50
  ½ÃÇè ºñ¿ë : TIE Exam ¢æ140


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Tuition Fees Cancellation Policy:

15+ days before Full tuition fees refunded
14 to 8 days before Full tuition fees refunded , subject to a minimum charge of ¢æ200
7 to 4 days before 70% of tuition fees refunded, subject to a minimum charge of ¢æ200
3 to 1 days before 20% of tuition fees refunded, subject to a minimum charge of ¢æ200
On start date or thereafter No refund is possible

Written notice must be sent to janice@hornerschool.com and applies from the date the cancellation is received by Horner School of English. Application for a refund will be dealt with in a timely manner, normally within 20 working days of receipt of the request. Enquiries should be addressed to Janice Horner.

Students applying for a Study Visa, must refer to the student refund policy as listed below: Visa Application & Visa Refusal

Course changes requested within 7 days of the commencement date are subject to availability.

No refund of fees is available where a course change is taken to a less intensive course, that is for example, a request to change from STD+ to STD Course.

Students requesting a change from group courses to private individual tuition will be required to pay the full cost of the private lessons. No transfer of course value is available. Course value cannot be transferred from one student to another student.

Examination fees are not included in tuition. Exam fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable in the event of a cancellation.

Accommodation Fees Conditions & Cancellation Policy:

Accommodation fees are non-refundable except in the case of host family where at least 4 weeks¡¯ written notice is required to cancel some or all of the pre booked accommodation. In the case of host family accommodation a four week notice period is non-refundable. The balance of any accommodation fees will be refunded.

In the case of apartment or university residence or school residence no refund is possible.

In the case of Hotel, Guest-house or B&B accommodation, refunds will be at the discretion of the Directors of the school and may not always be possible.

It is not possible to provide Host Family Accommodation over the Christmas and New Year holiday (2-week holiday period).

We guarantee there will be no more than one nationality per host family (unless otherwise agreed with student)

We do not control nationality mix at apartments, residences and other student self-catering accommodations.



Street View
