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[ÀϹݿµ¾î] General English 24·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 293 GBP, ¾à 53¸¸¿ø)
[ÀϹݿµ¾î] General English 28·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 402 GBP, ¾à 73¸¸¿ø)
[Àå±â°úÁ¤] Standard Academic Year Proramme (AYP) 24·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 261 GBP, ¾à 47¸¸¿ø)
[Àå±â°úÁ¤] Intensive Academic Year Proramme (IAYP) 28·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 316 GBP, ¾à 57¸¸¿ø)
[½ÃÇè¹Ý] Cambridge Exam Preparation 24·¹½¼ (FCE/CAE) (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 314 GBP, ¾à 57¸¸¿ø)
[ºñÁö´Ï½º] Business & Professional English 24·¹½¼ (ÁÖ´ç Æò±ÕÇкñ : 334 GBP, ¾à 60¸¸¿ø)


Àû¿ëȯÀ² : 1,806 ¿ø/GBP
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Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/¾Æħ,Àú³á Á¦°ø/½¦¾î¿å½Ç) full week/Standard 250 GBP/week 451,500 ¿ø/week
Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/¾Æħ Á¦°ø) Standard 200 GBP/week 361,200 ¿ø/week
Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/Á÷Á¢ Ãë»ç) Standard/Independent room - self catering 170 GBP/week 307,020 ¿ø/week
Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/¾Æħ,Àú³á Á¦°ø/°³Àοå½Ç) full week/Superior/µµº¸ ÅëÇÐ 335 GBP/week 605,010 ¿ø/week
Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ(½Ì±Û/¾Æħ,Àú³á Á¦°ø/°³Àοå½Ç) full week/Standard Plus 295 GBP/week 532,770 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û) Large room - ensuite/Kings Lodge 400 GBP/week 722,400 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û) Large room - ensuite / Queens Lodge 400 GBP/week 722,400 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û) Single room - ensuite / Kings Lodge 355 GBP/week 641,130 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û) Single room - ensuite / Queens Lodge 380 GBP/week 686,280 ¿ø/week
±â¼÷»ç(½Ì±Û) Single room - private bathroom/Queens Lodge 355 GBP/week 641,130 ¿ø/week
  ¼÷¼Ò µî·Ïºñ(¹èÁ¤ºñ): 60 GBP
À«ºí´ø ½ºÄð ¿Àºê À×±Û¸®½¬ WSE ¼÷¼Òºñ¿ë

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  Standard: °ø¿ë ¿å½Ç
  Standard Plus: °³Àοå½Ç(Private bathroom or ensuite)
  Superior: °³Àοå½Ç(Private bathroom or ensuite) + µµº¸ °Å¸®(Walking distance of school)
  Ȩ½ºÅ×ÀÌ´Â ¸¸16¼¼ ÀÌ»ó, ±â¼÷»ç´Â ¸¸ 18¼¼ ÀÌ»ó °¡´ÉÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
  ÀϹÝÀûÀ¸·Î en-suite bathroomÀº ħ½Ç°ú Á÷Á¢ ¿¬°áµÈ °³º° ¿å½ÇÀ» ÀǹÌÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
  private bathroomÀº °³ÀÎÀûÀ¸·Î »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â ¿å½ÇÀ» ÀǹÌÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ¾îÇп¬¼ö ¼÷¼Ò °¡À̵å

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Student House Share Self Catering
  Çб³ ±Ùó Kings Lodge¿¡ 9°³ ħ½ÇÀ» °¡Áø house¸¦ Çлý¿¡°Ô Á¦°øÇÔ.
  House share ÇüÅÂÀÌ¸ç ºÎ¾ý°ú °Å½ÇÀ» ÇлýµéÀÌ °øÀ¯
  Dining and seating area Á¦°ø
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  Åä¿äÀÏ 17:00~21:00, ÀÏ¿äÀÏ 09:00~21:00¿¡ King's and Queen's Lodge¿¡ ´Ê°Ô µµÂøÇÏ´Â °æ¿ì¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¿­¼èÇÔ
  Cottenham Park 1 & 2¿¡´Â ¿­¼è º¸°üÇÔ ½Ã¼³ÀÌ ¾øÀ½
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Justin James
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Kingston Summer Residence
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  ÇȾ÷ºñ 190 GBP (Heathrow °øÇ×)

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Postponements and other Booking Changes

If you decide to change your course dates, your accommodation dates or make any other changes to your booking there is a charge of ¡Ì40.00 for each time you make a change, to cover the administration cost of making the changes. We cannot issue your new documents until we have received the ¡Ì40.00 change of booking fee. This charge will not be due for any date changes made because of visa problems However, if you require a visa for the UK please allow enough time for the visa application process before your course start date.
If you wish to postpone your course for any reason, for example, if you need a visa and are still waiting for the visa to be issued, you must let us know at least 2 weeks before you are due to arrive, otherwise you will lose your tuition deposit and will have to pay another deposit before we can confirm a new starting date.
You may only postpone your course if there is space available on the new course dates you wish to attend. Please also ensure that the course you wish to take is available on the new dates you wish to attend. You can postpone your course to start up to 6 months after the original start date
For a postponement of longer than 6 months we will not refund your tuition or accommodation deposits if you then have to cancel the course.
If you have applied for a General Student Visa and need to postpone your course you may need a new CAS. If you need a new CAS the school will cancel your previous CAS. There are no refunds for cancelled CASes. You will need to pay for each CAS you request.
You cannot postpone bookings for House-share or Residential accommodation if you inform us fewer than 28 days before your arrival date. If you do you will still be liable for the fee for your original accommodation dates.
We have to inform the UK Border Agency about any non-EU students who do not arrive on the agreed date

Cancellation/Change of Course after Arrival

If you have to stop your course early, your tuition & materials fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.
We are unable to offer credits to students who leave early.
Fees are non-transferable. This means you cannot transfer your fees to another person. You cannot convert full-time study to 1-1 or 2-1 study.
If you are here on a General Student Visa and finish your course early we have to inform the UK Border Agency.
Accommodation will be refunded as per our notice period. If you have a General Student Visa, your accommodation fees will only be refunded if you show us documents proving that you are either enrolled and sponsored by another UK institution or you have booked and paid for a return flight home. If you plan to return home, your accommodation fees will be refunded to you in your own country.
If you booked through a representative we will send any refund to that representative.
Cancellation of additional 1-1 lessons. We require 7 days notice in writing to reception for cancellation of additional 1-1 lessons. If you cancel less than 7 days before your lesson you will be charged full fees.
Cancellation of Tennis or Riding lessons. We require 7 days notice in writing to reception for cancellation of tennis or horse-riding lessons. If you cancel 7 days or less before your lesson, you will be charged full fees.
Periods of absence due to accident or sickness are not refundable.
Please note: A good student insurance policy will refund the remaining fees if a student has to go home early for a medical or other serious reason. We strongly advise all students to take out insurance.



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